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Your best friend is special. She is your tribe or is part of your tribe; and they are a beautiful thing. These are our people, the people to whom we belong and who belong to us. While we can have many friends, our tribe is special. Celebrate your bestie and the cherished bond of friendship this holiday season with this hand crafted Christmas ornament! This ornament is the perfect way to show your tribe just how much they mean to you during this magical time of year.

1 3/4" aluminum ornament
Hand stamped as shown with It's All About You Amy trademark "My Tribe" symbol and the words 
You are my people
You are the family I chose
It also has some decorative branches and flowers around the top half and the edges are hammered for extra sparkle.

Aluminum is a great choice for ornaments because it is a lightweight metal, does not tarnish, and it won't make your tree branches hang down.
This ornament comes packaged in a gift box with a card as shown. Card says:
You are my People.
I found you and I will fiercely love you.
You are the family I chose.

Best Friends Christmas Ornament

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